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Thriving in Games Group (formerly Fair Play Alliance) is a global network of game developers united by a shared vision: creating and supporting games and gaming communities that thrive, free of hate, harassment and discrimination. By combining our diverse expertise with the latest research, we are empowering studios of all sizes to achieve this vision together.

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Thriving in Games Group is the leading source of research-backed insights and game-development practices for studios committed to building a more inclusive and positive gaming landscape.

Industry-Leading Expertise: Tap into a wealth of research-backed insights and best practices developed by pioneering game developers, community managers, researchers, and industry leaders.

  • Collaborate and Learn. Connect with a global network of peers to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and shape the future of gaming together.
  • Personalized Support. Receive expert consultations and tailored guidance to address your specific challenges and implement effective solutions.
  • Drive Industry Change. Contribute to the development of industry-wide standards that promote safer, more inclusive, and healthier gaming experiences.
  • Protect Players and Communities. Learn how to safeguard vulnerable players, reduce disruptive behaviour, and foster resilient communities.
  • No sales pitches. We value a respectful community of practice where learning and growth are prioritized; direct sales pitches or using membership to solicit clients are not permitted

Players have a right to healthy, safe places to play. Together we can raise the bar and empower developers with the skills, knowledge, and practices to achieve this. And support each other along the way.

Learn more about TIGG on our About page.

How to Get Involved

We believe in the power of collaboration to create safer and more inclusive online spaces. Whether you’re a game developer, an industry expert, or a mission-aligned organization, there are many ways to join us.

Let’s build a thriving future for games together!

For Game Studios:

Your studio, big or small, is welcome to join our collaborative mission. We offer a confidential and safe space for you to:

  • Learn from industry peers and exchange best practices.
  • Utilize our tools and research to address challenges and implement solutions.
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of industry standards for safer, more inclusive gaming.

(See Membership below for more information).

For Experts & Academics:

We deeply value the expertise of professionals and researchers outside the gaming world. If you have knowledge or experience in related areas like psychology, sociology, community management, or online safety, we invite you to reach out. Your unique perspective can help us create even more impactful resources and initiatives.

For Organizations:

We provide insights into industry practices, the challenges players and developers face, and effective strategies for creating safer and more inclusive online spaces. If you are looking to do work with the gaming industry or have research results you feel are relevant to our mission, reach out to us. We’re happy to give feedback on how best to work with developers.

For Donors:

If you would like to support our cause with a financial or in-kind contribution, please reach out! We appreciate your generosity.

Studio Membership

Choose Your Level of Engagement and Visibility

We understand that every studio has different needs and resources. You can be as active or as quiet as you like within TIGG. Your participation is tailored to your goals and comfort level. We also know that sometimes work in this space can be lonely; we’re here for you and can help support you in advocating for change at your organisation.

Similarly, your participation can be as public or private as you choose. We’re here to help you anywhere on this journey, even if it’s a quiet first step as an org. We all need to start somewhere.

Membership Requirements

As we are a professional organization focused on the process of making and supporting games, we accept members from any aspect of development who are committed to furthering our mission. This may include gamemakers, community managers, player support, trust & safety, anticheat, research, et cetera.

Membership decisions will be based on a holistic assessment of the candidate. The ideal member organization not only shares our core values but is also eager to engage in active learning and collaboration, while respecting the sanctity of this as a developer-focused group. We believe that a strong alignment in values, coupled with a willingness to contribute and learn, fosters a vibrant and productive community.

Note that if you are unsure about membership, please don’t be shy to reach out. While we cannot guarantee acceptance, there are often still many ways to collaborate and share learnings. We enjoy non-member relationships with a number of fantastic and values-aligned organizations and individuals.

I don’t think my studio is ready…

Don’t worry if your studio hasn’t fully defined its approach to safety and thriving – that’s where we come in! We’ll partner with you to identify your values, develop actionable strategies, and empower your team to create positive change. All it takes is one dedicated person to get started. If that’s you, we’ll provide the support and guidance you need to make a real difference and work within the limits of where your company is at today.

What if my studio is struggling in this area?

We believe in empowering all studios to create positive change in online gaming, regardless of where they are on their journey. We understand the challenges of driving internal change, especially in a fast-paced industry. That’s why we offer support and guidance to help you identify the best ways to advocate for these crucial practices within your company. The work we do can make a real difference in the lives of players and developers, leading to healthier communities and more successful games.

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